Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Writer's Alphabet of Concepts and Clues

1. the act or result of curving or bending: BEND
2. the change in pitch or loudness of the voice
3 a: the change of form that words undergo to mark such distinctions as those of case, gender, number, tense, person, mood, or voice b: a form, suffix, or element involved in such variation c: ACCIDENCE
4 a: change in curvature of an arc or curve from concave to convex or conversely b: INFLECTION POINT

Inflection: "The changes of form that words undergo to mark such distinctions as those of case (the form that a noun or pronoun takes according to its grammatical role in a sentence (subjective, objective, or possessive)" (Perrin, The Beacon Handbook, 1987,655).

"Gender: nouns and pronouns are masculine, feminine, or neuter" (O'Hare and Kline, The Modern Writer's Handbook, 3rd edition, 155).

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